Selasa, 24 November 2009


In business activities, a business ethics can maintain a good business rules, far from being greedy and selfishness, so that the business as a mediator in the form of a loving community with each other. In business, both parties have required adequate capacity to conduct business transactions. This includes the ability to distinguish good and bad, and not under duress and did not have the assumption that there is the right to vote. God forbid to do business directly with the weak reason. In surat Al-Baqarah verse 282: If the borrower is not strong or weak reason (it) or he himself could not mengimlakkan, then let his guardian mengimlakkan honestly.

Weak reason people can come from God and those who are weak because of what human reason itself. The weak reason because it comes from God, such as a lunatic, idiot, fainting, sleep, pain and death. Crazy can occur because there is brain damage caused due to depression. Crazy can eliminate a person's ability in the sense he was carrying out his task, so that all activities undertaken by it could be null and void and vain, no trace at all. Obligation to pay zakat on his property is not contradictory, but bear dirusakannya goods. However, be accountable to the guardian.

Idiot is a weakness of the intellect because of the weakness of consciousness and perception. Idiot does not eliminate the ability to think on the whole, but reduced capacity to think. All the activities of these idiot people who identified with the activities of a small child who has reason. During the activity merely useful, it can still be allowed, but if the activity is dangerous, it is considered null and void. If sometimes useful and sometimes harmful, depending on the law guardian.

Meanwhile, sleep and eliminate unconscious competence with a perfect duty, because the barometer is a reasonable competence. Sleep and eliminate unconscious mind and prevent the ability to choose. However, sleeping and fainting does not diminish the responsibility of breaking things.

God also forbade to do business directly with people who are not perfectly understand. In a letter of An-Nisaa 'verse 5-6: And do not leave it to people who have not perfect reason, the property (those who are in your power) which God made the subject of life. Give them shopping and clothing (from the results of the treasure) and speak to them words of good. And test the orphans until they are old enough to marry. Then if they think tealah intelligent (smart maintain property), then yield to them the treasure-treasure. And do not feed the orphan's property more than the limit of the fit and (do not) in a hurry (spending) before they mature. Whoever (among the keepers that) able, he should refrain (from consuming the orphan's property) and if any poor: then he ate it, according to property worth. Then when you leave property to them, you should invent the witnesses (of surrender) for them. And enough is Allah as a Supervisor (the testimony).
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throne and the woman's treasure

throne and the woman's treasure
Blogger lover friend I admired and loved in this life twists and turns and various kinds of exposure, the test of life upon us after another, what we're going to live normal or bold, brave bear all apapun.karena only with life willing to take all the risks are really aware of the real life, many thought that the throne and the woman as penjatuh man, let alone a woman with a million pesonanya.sekarang way, really treasure the throne and the woman were related, these three men benchmark successful, successful man, who succeeded the throne and the woman's property, it was just the man dubbed a success, which makes the actual failure is the wrong attitude, that is, in the wrong attitude will make our success would not be achieved, and will make we are so sunk itself

In the search for the throne and treasures of our women as men must be smart in the search, rather than by fraud or by deception, many people who justify any means just to get the throne and the woman's property, of the three should we achieve with the right attitude
The success of a man is when his treasure membaikkanya, so that she can treasure for his own hard work, we glorifies wealth, the second when the throne was prosperous, happy, and make people's lives and brilliant laen a third are women, women in mean a beautiful woman of noble heart, why she was noble because he honor that she will make us like kings, on our way home as the Gentlemen.
A lot of people said that without their women to be successful, but the real success would be hollow without a woman at his side, because behind the successful man there is a great lady and noble, it was heart pasti.kebahagiaan be achieved if we've got three of the property to the throne and women who assist in the back.
So life in this world we must have the resolve and purpose and confidence that menghati, so really from a sincere heart and surrender to god, insya4jj what we have achieved and treasure aka the throne and the woman in the grip of a tone, so satisfaction heart and pride and peace itself would be dating is like water flowing

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making change

Changes changes and changes
What is change, change is how to make ourselves much better, both in the eyes of both themselves and other people's eyes, but do not let that change makes us even more into the slump, this is my own experience, the first change I do that is by I know Born To Fight, which is to get something I should try. Spirit and not always easy to reach desperate dreams that I want to nurture champions character trait to me and remove properties that could be a potential thief. Then the more I make changes. I started to change my appearance, changed to a positive image of others. I started to change my behavior, to be trusted by others, I throw my negative thoughts and always think positive. Changes are then I do is about fitness and my posture, how to adjust to other people or in certain places.

Then I got to know The Winner Never Give Up, "success is the dream of every person, but the road to success is not always smooth. Many obstacles block the way ". Therefore, I studied the type-type human in the face of challenges. I learned about the Quitters, Campers and climbers. I can judge myself more familiar with the three human characters. I want the best, I want to achieve all my dreams, I want to apply the nature of climbers on me, because campers want the best, always the spirit to achieve the best, always thinking about the possibilities, tried and brave things menccoba new .

Next I learned tenyang social etiquette and dressing image. Knowledge of social etiquette and dressing image or skill to dress a supporting factor in building a professional self-image, self-image or the positive impression given by others for what he saw. To get my professional self-image began to build properties should I apply, including building a broad perspective, appropriate behavior and attractive appearance. Social etiquette in the workplace as well as the etiquette of communication is very important to implement. I learned to know the procedures and introducing others well. Ethics stood from his seat and etiquette in lifestyle are not left for me to learn. Also I get rid of all the things that can damage self-image.

Next I learned that about someone's personality type. Surely someone's personality type is different. Strengths and weaknesses of different dimilaki person. When I test my personality type, I can figure out what personality type I miliki.selanjutnya your turn and you, never be afraid to make changes if it can make you a better

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The presentation is a complex thing why?, Because not many people who can make presentations to the right, because their ignorance of how to make a presentation to the end result was a goal
In fact in the presentation there are 2 stages
1. Designing Materials
2. Bringing Materials
Key to success in a presentation that support the success or failure of a presentation includes three stages. 7% for the Verbal, which is about the material and bring the language in a presentation. 38% for Vocal, namely high and low voice sooner or later the sound pressure. The terahir 55% for the Visual, which includes visualization, tools, style and way of delivering a presentation.

For the success of a presentation is not just enough with it, which should be noted that with the opening of interest, including the opening of an exciting, open the presentation with a game or short stories, challenging questions, uncover the facts, and much more. The second is an interesting selection of material. The material is interesting conten material, conteks and systemization. And the terahir is an impressive cover, among others by repeating earlier statements, making a summary or discussion points and words of encouragement to take action.
Although difficult to make an attractive presentation, the presentation is perfect but I will try my best, and hopefully what I can be useful for my bias. Amen

Presentation materials will I try to be presented is about "CHARACTER A Champion". I think the champion is the attitude of the character that should be applied as early as possible to achieve success and to reach the dreams that we want to achieve. Attitude champion characters include
- Ready to fight
If we want to reach all the dreams we want to achieve, first we must be ready to fight, to establish itself in order to reach their dreams and are ready to face everything that would hinder the realization of dreams.
- Always spirit
Always the spirit is an attitude which must apply to become a winner. Spirit to realize the dreams we want to achieve. Without the spirit of man will be lazy, lazy nature when a person's poison is so difficult to reach a person dreams to be realized, lazy to do some things we must cultivate the spirit of degan beat the highest, the spirit to realize a dream.
- Sure would have
Someone must believe in yourself, be sure to reach her dreams. If previously we do not feel confident it is very difficult to start the dream. How a dream can come true if we are not convinced that all the dreams that we want can not be realized.
- Abstinence surrender
This unyielding nature of the most support in the achievement of a dream. Never give up in everything to reach all the dreams we want to achieve.

several examples above, the other thing to note is to avoid a potential thief, the characteristics of the potential thief has always had contradictory thoughts to reach the dream, always saying 'I'm not lucky' 'I can not'. People who like this would be difficult to achieve the dream because it is easy giving up before trying. How to seize the potential of them with dreams, a person must have a dream, menghancurkanengan all obstacles that prevent success, make changes in your life, create opportunities / opportunities, and to celebrate the victory even any little success. Thus the realization of a dream opportunity will be greater.

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