Blogger lover friend I admired and loved in this life twists and turns and various kinds of exposure, the test of life upon us after another, what we're going to live normal or bold, brave bear all apapun.karena only with life willing to take all the risks are really aware of the real life, many thought that the throne and the woman as penjatuh man, let alone a woman with a million pesonanya.sekarang way, really treasure the throne and the woman were related, these three men benchmark successful, successful man, who succeeded the throne and the woman's property, it was just the man dubbed a success, which makes the actual failure is the wrong attitude, that is, in the wrong attitude will make our success would not be achieved, and will make we are so sunk itself
In the search for the throne and treasures of our women as men must be smart in the search, rather than by fraud or by deception, many people who justify any means just to get the throne and the woman's property, of the three should we achieve with the right attitude
The success of a man is when his treasure membaikkanya, so that she can treasure for his own hard work, we glorifies wealth, the second when the throne was prosperous, happy, and make people's lives and brilliant laen a third are women, women in mean a beautiful woman of noble heart, why she was noble because he honor that she will make us like kings, on our way home as the Gentlemen.
A lot of people said that without their women to be successful, but the real success would be hollow without a woman at his side, because behind the successful man there is a great lady and noble, it was heart pasti.kebahagiaan be achieved if we've got three of the property to the throne and women who assist in the back.
So life in this world we must have the resolve and purpose and confidence that menghati, so really from a sincere heart and surrender to god, insya4jj what we have achieved and treasure aka the throne and the woman in the grip of a tone, so satisfaction heart and pride and peace itself would be dating is like water flowing
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